Documents Overview

There are two main areas of HR3pay where you may have documents and images: HRpack (for example, documents/images associated with an Employee's property in their Employee file) and OHS (for example, documents/images may be associated with incidents or hazards).

Historically, documents and images were added directly within the area of use. This might result in a large volume of storage used, particularly when multiple copies of the same items were being attached. Document Store is a central repository for documents and images used throughout HR3pay. This enables the user to associate existing documents/images in the Document Store with employee files or OHS files. This can ensure that multiple copies are not being stored unnecessarily.

Within Navigator | Documents there are two options:

  • Store is a central repository for shareable documents and images used throughout the system. Store can be accessed via the navigator, or via HRpack or OHS.
  • Search gives you the ability to search all documents and images stored in the current database.

Note, please be aware of these permission restrictions:
Store is for use by the Administrator, or those with Administrator permissions. (See Security for Users.)
Search is for use by the Administrator, or other users with DOCV security permissions.